4 Books To Read on the Road — Traverse Journeys - Travel That Transforms

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4 Books To Read on the Road

Top Travel books to inspire you

When traveling, reading is always a sacred part of the journey. Away from the distractions of home and fast pace of modern life, it feels easier to justify the solace of a comfy hammock or laid back coffee shop to enter the world of books while at the same time amplifying the sense of place that you’re in. Here are 4 books that will shape your journey from the inside out.

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The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seeker’s Guide to Making Travel Sacred

Phil Cousineau

This book is for the modern-day pilgrim looking to understand what it means to travel with purpose. Filled with inspiration and spiritual tools, it is part story, part guide and laden with quotes that will have you looking at your adventures with greater depth and perspective.



The Geography of Bliss: One Grump’s Search for the Happiest Places in the World

Eric Weiner

In his catchy, thoughtful writing style, foreign correspondent Eric Weiner takes us on his year-long journey around the globe to the “happy places,” from Iceland to Bhutan to Qatar.  The common thread is the philosophical question, what comprises happiness? Both inspirational and thought-provoking and often times out-right funny, Eric – a self-labeled pessimist – guides us through his own unraveling of the question and the answers he found.



The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho’s timeless story has become a well-read classic around the globe, enchanting its readers with its wisdom. Written in a parable-like form, the tale follows an Andalusian shepherd boy in search of treasure in Egypt. Along his journey he meets a Gypsy, a king, and an alchemist all who point him along the way. What he finds, however, is less about the treasure out there and more about that which is within.


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Travels With Myself

Tahir Shah

A compilation of stories, Travels With Myself  is Tahir Shah at his best. An acclaimed writer from an Anglo-Afghan background, Shah gives unique insight and perspective from his travels around the globe, from Latin America to Asia to Africa and his time living in Morocco. Each story highlights both the contradictions and beauties of thiscomplex, beautiful world we live in.

Want more travel reading ideas, including destination-specific lists? Check out all our book suggestions!